
  • Are You Due a Refund

    Eligibility Checker

    3 simple questions to before we start...

    Yes No
    Do you work in the construction industry?
    Are you self-employed?
    Do you incur expenses in your job?

    Great news...
    You’re eligible for a refund!

    Claim today and get paid on 6 December 2024

    You're eligible for a refund! Call now on 020 8561 8388, or... You're eligible for a refund! Use our calculator below or Complete the Claim Now form and we'll get back in touch with you.

    You may need to file a tax return. Contact us today or hit the claim now button and we will be in touch.

    Don't worry one of our helpful advisers will be able to check this for you. Call us now on 020 8561 8388.

  • Calculate Your Refund

    Tax Refund Calculator (23/24 tax year)

    Turnover (before tax)


    Value of expenses 100%



    Are you taxed at 20% or 30%?

    Great news! You’re due a refund of .

    On the basis of the information you’ve provided, you’re eligible for a refund. Call now on 020 8561 8388, or…

    Claim today and get paid on 6 December 2024

    You may owe to HMRC.

    Don’t worry the most common reason is due to a mistake in what you have entered.

    Please get in touch and we’ll check.

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    Any Questions?

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    Please get in touch using the contact form below and we get back to you right away

      Or please Call Us on 020 8561 8388

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      • Refund Registration Form

        TaxRefundsRUs launches cash advance scheme

        Paying with British currency

        TaxRefundsRUs is delighted to announce the launch of its cash advance scheme that allows its clients to claim their tax returns before the end of the tax year.

        The scheme relies on clients to provide their business income and expenses records from the current financial year. TaxRefundsRUs can then calculate their tax refund to date and pay out their refund within 72 hours. TaxRefundsRUs then claims back their fee from HMRC.

        The cash advance scheme allows workers in the construction industry to claim their refund early and get paid within 3 working days.

        Commenting on the launch of the scheme, Kishan at TaxRefundsRUs said: “We’re thrilled to be able to offer this service to our clients. They no longer need to wait until the end of the tax year to claim their refund. This can be extremely useful when they are in need of cash, fast, and helps to avoid costly interest on payday loans and other forms of credit.”

        To find out more about the cash advance scheme and to see if you’re eligible to claim a refund visit:

        Claim now